Thursday 10 September 2015

Success is a Choice..!

100,000$. The figures struck his ears like someone just pierced them with the mightiest sword. On a day with blue skies, one would feel positive about such an astronomical amount. Although for him, it wasn't there for the taking. It was his target of sales for the month.

Sales!! It could bring excruciating pain to your mind or enormous amounts of joys. For those who do it and for those who are recipients of it. 

Out here the day starts before everybody else wakes up and ends after everybody else is breathing that sigh of relief as they look at their mushy pillows. As a sales person there ain't no resting!! You snooze you lose is what they say. And it is true as a matter of fact.

There are vultures around you..not people mind you..but vultures who would swoop in and fly out with your bread if you were to as much as blink. And rightly so as sales is all about perseverance, agility and focus!

The day he stepped into this awe inspiring office, he could feel he will either be trampled over by colleagues or his spirits being crushed by the ever objecting potential clients. Nothing that the trainers filled his lucid mind with, was an easy grasp. He would ask to himself, "why should I be manipulative in the way I talk?" Why should I sound confident when I am not? Why, why and more why????

Get your arse off the seat that you warmed enough to cook pancakes on. Those words..gosh did they feel rude..! Honestly, if it wasn't for those words, he wouldn't have ever felt the pain to be insulted. The zeal to pick up the phone and start pitching. That's the way the cookie crumbles. There is nothing more fearful for a sales person than blanking.

They fight, they argue, they retaliate, they whine, they cry, they beat each other and all of that. Though, at the bar they behave like a family. A family that runs like a well oiled machine to rake in moolah!!

If anything, sales taught him some of the most important elements in life. Money being the least of worries. It taught him respect, fighting spirit, the never back down theory and dreaming big.

Everybody at some point in life or more than that is selling something. Emotions, work, physical activity, intelligence, skills, craft, commitment, time, or anything under the sun. We all sell and we all buy.
He sits today at his beach house sipping on some chateau neuf de pape, gazing into the bewildering scene of the skinny dipping sun and thinks to himself.."Get your arse off the seat that you warmed enough to cook pancakes on and pick up the damn phone.." And so he does!!

Believe in this "either you run the day..or the day runs you.."
