Thursday 12 March 2015

I will survive..!

Why do you have to suffer when I get to go out and play and have fun? What is wrong with you? Why are you so weak? Daddy where is mom? Daddy when is mom coming back? Zee why hasn't mother come back from her vacation yet? Questions of a growing kid whose mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and would never come back. After a few years, the questions begin to dry up. There is no more appetite for curiosity or anxiety. The kid has grown up and accepted the fact that mother ain't coming back..Ever!!

There are thousands of families whose dreams are shattered to fine particles in split seconds when mothers, sisters, daughters, or aunts are diagnosed of the dreaded C word. How will you tackle that attack? How would a family with single parenting at the brink of occurring prepare itself? There can never be enough prep for such situations. Imagine the wrath of nature when such harsh things happen to someone who has never had any vices for a lifetime and still gets slapped with it.

I lost my aunt to Breast cancer when my cousin and I were still learning the traits of perfecting cycling. My memories about her are all fun. She was the most ecstatic personality I have ever come to be introduced to. Always cheerful and full of zeal and passion for everything around her. And then one day, just like that she was gone never to come back and take us kids out for fun shopping or a picnic.

I saw my cousin turn into the most boring kids after that. He went into his shell and suddenly became notoriously mischievous after. Today he has a family in California and looks back at his life as a guidebook on how not to handle tragedies in life.

With technology amusing us everyday, it is no surprise that Breast cancer can now be dealt with and pulled out of the very foundation. But does that mean a sigh of relief for getting life back or getting back to being what one was before? In many cases women who undergo mastectomy face mental challenges after surviving the cruelty of the condition. Most of us don't realise that it is as difficult to come out of this condition and try to gel into normal life as it is to get into it. My friends mother underwent mastectomy and it has shattered her level of confidence for the last 20 years. I am not sure if it has got to do anything with being in the Indian society but in general she has not coped well with the trauma.

The woman is scared for her daughters, has been scared that her husband wouldn't love her enough, has been scared that people might notice her deformity. A life engulfed with anxiety and sheer pressure to fight her way back to normalcy is an act of bravery. Such women have the courage, the ambition to survive, the strength to see their families happy.

It takes a lifetime to experience the true value of life itself. Ask those who suffered and have had a close acquaintance with death itself. Ask them how much they value life. My thoughts, my prayers, my strength goes to those who did not make it and to those who did. 

You have the power to say, "This is not how my story will end"



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