Saturday 14 February 2015

An intense feeling of deep affection!

An intense feeling of deep affection - Can you say what this phrase means? I mean 

literally! It is that one thing some of us use so often to either prove how affectionate we are or to deem it so meaningless that you use it for everything around. And then there are the others, who seldom use it. Oh! The answer to the question is "LOVE".
Ancient Greeks identified four forms of love - Kinship or Familiarity, Friendship, Sexual and/or romantic desire, and self-emptying or divine love. It becomes a task to be able to identify or segregate the types of love in general terms as I mentioned earlier, some of us just use it, which is perfectly fine.

Love is a mothers love for her child, a brothers for his sister, a student for his teacher, a fan for his favourite player, a girl for her dog, a friend for a friend, a husband for his wife, people for their country, a gardener for his plants, and so much more. Does it have limitations? NO!!

I somehow, have never had the understanding towards celebrating love on just one day or one occasion. I have always believed, Love should be celebrated everyday. Ofcourse we do celebrate anniversaries and dates. But that encompasses the celebration of the people involved and not love itself. Then why just Valentine's Day?

Did we all know that Saint Valentine was a prisoner in the Roman regime and he was there because he would bring together two people who were in love against all odds and minister their marriage. He was executed one day and just before going out, he gave the world a reason. A reason to remember love. He wrote a letter to his jailers daughter whom he had healed and at the end he wrote - "Your Valentine".

That letter those words that day, has been engraved in the emotional system of human existence. It didn't need any technology to spread the word across and yet, here we are using the most powerful and modern technological aids to get our messages across to our loved one's. Well, the bright side is that the message still remains the same - "Love".

Every passing year, we have seen more and many more people participating in this unprecedented and gracious event called The Valentines Day, which brings together millions of hearts and makes us humans feel that we are under the same sky and we are all connected irrespective of colour, caste, creed, ethnicity, nationality, race, religion, features, culture, sex and so on. It gives hope amidst the ever growing streak of hatred coming from a select group of individuals.

I believe, there must be some sort of celebratory gesture to mark this day. Be it a grand ball, a romantic dinner with the bewildering beauty of the candles flame in between two love birds, or a crazy party, or even just single's having a drink alone at the bar and sharing that moment of love with a smile to the pretty bartender. 

Smile and celebrate love today and everyday!

I wish every person and every living creature lots of love and wish everybody a very Romantic and a Happy Valentines Day.

Your Valentine :-)


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